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implant treatment

implant treatment

Welcome to mülheimdental! You are warmly welcomed to our trusted dental practice for high-quality dental implants and comprehensive oral health. As a renowned provider of dental implants in Mülheim, we offer innovative solutions for you if you have missing teeth. Our experienced implantologists and a modern team ensure that you can go through life again with a radiant smile.

What are dental implants?

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made of biocompatible material that are inserted into your jawbone. They serve as a stable foundation for dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, or dentures. Implants provide a permanent solution for missing teeth and look more natural than conventional dental replacements. They feel and function like natural teeth, giving you the freedom to eat, speak, and smile without worry.

The benefits of dental implants at mülheimdental:

  1. Aesthetics and natural bite: Implants not only look like natural teeth but also allow for a natural bite and secure chewing sensation. They provide an aesthetically pleasing result that will boost your self-confidence.
  2. Long-term solution: Implants are durable and can last a lifetime with proper care. Compared to traditional dental restorations that require regular adjustments and replacements, implants are a long-term investment in your dental health.
  3. Bone stability: Due to the firm placement of implants in the jawbone, the bone is stimulated, preventing bone loss. This protects the surrounding tissue and maintains the natural contour of your face.
  4. No impact on neighboring teeth: Implants are integrated into the jawbone and do not require grinding or burdening adjacent teeth, as can be the case with bridges.
  5. Easy maintenance: Implants require no special care. You can simply brush them like your natural teeth and undergo regular check-ups in our practice.

Process of implant treatment

The process of implant treatment at mülheimdental: At mülheimdental, we offer individual consultation and planning for you. The process of implant treatment includes the following steps:

  1. Consultation and diagnosis: In an initial discussion, your needs and wishes are addressed, and a comprehensive examination and diagnosis are conducted. We assess bone density and structure to determine if there is enough bone material for the implant.
  2. Implantation: Implantation is performed in a minor surgical procedure. The implant is placed in your jawbone, where it fuses with the bone over the following weeks.
  3. Healing phase: During the healing phase, the implant becomes securely anchored in the jawbone. This phase can last several weeks depending on individual circumstances.
  4. Abutment and dental restoration: After successful healing, an abutment is attached to the implant, and the custom-made dental restoration is placed. This restoration is individually crafted by our experienced dental technicians to match your natural tooth color.
  5. Aftercare: Following the treatment, regular check-ups ensure the long-term success of the implants and maintain your dental health.

Is implant treatment suitable for you?

Suitability for implant treatment depends on various factors such as your overall health, bone density, and possible pre-existing conditions. Our experienced implantologists conduct a thorough examination and provide detailed advice on the best possible solutions for your individual situation.

Trust in mülheimdental – Your experts for dental implants: Our dental practice, mülheimdental, stands for innovative and patient-centered dentistry. With state-of-the-art technology, empathetic care, and years of experience, we are your partner for high-quality dental implants in Mülheim.

Schedule an appointment today for a consultation on implant treatment. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey to a radiant smile.

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